Interactive Technology - Part Four

In the final part of our Interactive Event Technology series, Neil demonstrates how with an interactive sensor we can turn any flat surface into a touch screen.

This video demonstrates our small scale interactive projectors, showing a scaled down version of a 10m wide installation we designed that was in-situ for 3 months.

The system emits an infra-red curtain <5mm over a flat surface. When you break this with an object (such as your finger), a camera detects the reflection and triangulates its position. The rest is easy!

If you want to divulge a quick and easy message to your delegates, employees and/or the general public? Then this is the video for you. Take a look…

This technology is multi-functional and can be used in a multitude of ways including, a semi-permanent installation within your client’s office, within event breakout areas to inform the attendees of the event message and other important facts or it can also be used as a part of an experiential marketing project to engage and interact with consumers.

That’s it for this series but stay tuned the next series coming soon…

For more information on how you can incorporate interactive technology at your next event contact us on 0845302 5470 and speak with one of our technical experts or email us here.

Missed the other parts in this series? Here they are again:

Interactive Event Technology – Part One

Interactive Event Technology – Part Two

Interactive Event Technology – Part Three