Let's Recycle!

In our continual effort to become greener, we have taken a pledge to recycle 100% of the carpets used at our events by the end of 2019.

As a forward-thinking company, we are always exploring ways in which we can lessen the impact that we have on the environment. Coming together as a team we took a look at our sustainability credentials, identifying that the key area that we could improve upon is event recycling. Already actively disposing of technical equipment via the waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) process our attention turned to the number of carpets that we provide to our clients’ events.

We dread to think about how many carpets we have unwittingly sent to landfills in the past; it sends a cold shiver down our spines! That is why we have decided to stand up and make a change; partnering with Carpet Recycling UK, a not-for-profit membership association who bring companies together to divert waste from landfills and provide viable recycling solutions for carpet waste.

Set up in 2008 Carpet Recycling UK has increased landfill diversion rates from just 2% to 44%; diverting over one million tonnes of carpet waste – this is the equivalent to 57,000 football pitches.

In addition to their diversion directory, Carpet Recycling UK also connects businesses with suppliers that use recycled materials to produce their carpets, which we will be looking to take full advantage of where we can.

Recycling is just one of the many things that we as an industry can do to take better care of our environment, but that is a subject for another article in the not too distant future.

Want to know more about our dedication to sustainable events throughout 2019 then contact us here and, for more information on the Carpet Recycling UK programme check out their website.