We take away all the stress of providing audio visual support to your venue and clients. Our venue team is the best in the business, and we have been building excellent relationships with the venues we work with and their in-house events coordinators since 2006.

Working in synergy with your venue team, our dedicated venue AV Managers and technicians are tooled up with all the recourses required to meet the needs of a wide variety of events, delivering exceptional on-site audio visual support and ensuring the best possible service.

In addition to taking care of all technical support, our venue AV Managers will position themselves as an extension of your team, working with your sales, marketing and operations departments to ensure maximum sales and the overall success or each event.

– Technical support and advice
– Sales support
– Joint marketing strategy
– CAD files of meeting rooms
– 3D visuals
– 24hr support and helpline
– Training for your venue team
– Permanent installations

The Queens

With 16 meeting and event rooms the hotel is perfect for any event